A Alagro é favorável ao desenvolvimento da prática da agricultura sustentável como método de potencializar a nova agricultura de precisão da América Latina. Nós preparamos para você os instrumentos mais modernos, necessários e emergentes do progresso verde. Você conhecerá e aprenderá temas inovadores acerca da aplicabilidade no mundo rural com tecnologias avançadas que potencializará os desafios da sustentabilidade para auxiliar os produtores rurais, as agroindústrias, cooperativas e os profissionais que lidam no cotidiano, na preparação moderna e atual dos diversos ecossistemas em todas as cadeias produtivas.
Alagro is in favor of developing the practice of sustainable agriculture as a method to leverage the new precision agriculture in Latin America. We have prepared for you the most modern, necessary and emerging instruments of green progress. You will get to know and learn about innovative themes about applicability in the rural world with advanced technologies that will enhance the challenges of sustainability to help rural producers, agribusinesses, cooperatives and professionals who deal in everyday life, in the modern and current preparation of the various ecosystems in all areas productive chains.
Our compromise:
• Thinking about practical agribusiness;
• Inspire and engage;
• Dare and make a difference.
Our values:
• Environmental, social and ESG governance practices, guaranteeing the quality of our services in the specialization of legal consulting, business and rural entrepreneurship.
• Innovation and dynamism under the focus of updating present in all subjects related to agribusiness.
• Ethics, leadership and promotion of an alliance between progress and sustainability in agribusiness.
Andes, 1433, 2010 - 11100
Montevideo | Uruguay
Av. Prudente de Morais, 1070 | 2º andar - 30380-252
Belo Horizonte - MG
Contact us
55 (31) 3303-5972 (Phone)
55 (31) 99902-1600 (Phone e whatsappBusiness)
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